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TLG Home Forums Pre-Production Forum ENG Camera Crew in Hangzhou China

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  • Sutton

    This is my first post here!
    I need a small ENG style camera crew in Hangzhou China. I can find several resources based in Shanghai, but it’s 2 hours away and I need a local crew because we will be shooting for 7 months, we estimate 7 or 8 days each month, but spread out.
    If anyone has local resources in Hangzhou, please let me know, we would like to start shooting in the 2 weeks.
    Thank you!

    Joachim Lyng

    Hi Kathryn
    Film in Norway has an office in Shanghai because we have done several Chinese feature film productions and continue to do so. Please send us an email on and we will be happy to assist you with this.
    Best regards
    Film in Norway

    Shane Nunn

    Ok so I am not what you said you wanted, I am based in shanghai but worked as a fixer all over china, we have shot in Hangzhou recently and on a regular basis since the 1990’S and have local support including Wardrobe, makeup, casting and the most wonderful location support for that city. I have an updated location data basis for Hangzhou and the surrounding area, including other parts of Zhejiang, ancient villages, bamboo forests. We have a good connection with nearby Hengdian film studio as well as Ningbo film studio either about an hour’s drive from Hangzhou.
    Generally I support small productions with the bullet train for cameras and such and local available lighting, that’s only a 45 minute train, we speak English and Chinese as well and would be happy to help with your project on a regular basis long term as is your need.

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