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TLG Home Forums Pre-Production Forum Fixer in katowice

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  • Clay

    Looking for a still photo fixer to help with language, transpot and finding sites in silesia
    Two days..

    Goshka Kolakowska

    Hello Clay,

    We do line production services in Poland including location scouting and fixing. Let me know what you need exactly at or call me directly: +48 575 797 270

    Goshka Kołakowska

    Mirek Wozniak

    Hi Clay. Write me please what kind of sites do You need in Katowice. Katowice is a very interesting place and Your good choice. I know it, bacause i was studying there four years in film school :). My mail is:, mobile: +48 502 52 16 16. Warm regards, Mirek.

    Anna E. Dziedzic

    Hello Clay,
    I work for Film Commission Poland and I believe our colleagues in the regional film commission – Silesia Film Commission would be able to help. They are based in Katowice. Please contact Magdalena Rychla: +48 607 404 735.

    The other option would be to contact directly Joanna Myszor, the fixer from the region recommended by our colleagues from SFC: Joanna Myszor +48 693 404 973,

    Best regards,

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