Pre-production forum

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Thousands of producers, location and production professionals worldwide use our free pre-production forum service to post location briefs and production requests of all descriptions.
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TLG Home Forums Pre-Production Forum Like our new pre-production forum?

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  • Murray Ashton

    Hello Lalie,

    We are delighted that you like our new TLG site.
    To add pictures, you just need to click on the link “img” which stands for Image. Then you simply upload the link to the image and the image will display in your answer to any post.

    Please let me have any other feedback or suggestions at any time. We love great ideas here at The Location Guide.

    With many thanks and wishing you a good weekend.

    All the best,


    Kishore Sinh Parmar

    Hi Murray Ashton

    Many Thanks for the step by step guidance
    I was able to complete the post
    Congratulations on the new site. Seems to look good also
    Wishing you all the best

    Kishore Sinh Parmar
    +919898279640 – INDIA

    Sanjay Soni

    Hi Murray
    congratulations, Great Update website!
    Sanjay Soni
    Line Producer / Fixer -Rajasthan-India

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Sanjay Soni.

    Parthiv Mawani

    Hi Murray – congratulations, great website working well.


    Kim Bikila

    Thanks Murray for asking. Certainly we will find a way to get used to the new image of the site. Every new thing requires time to make it a habit 🙂 What do you thing about the opportunity to have to have multi-language forum ? I mean , could someone write/translate/reply in own language? Its just an idea …
    Talk soon

    Murray Ashton

    Hi Alex & Kim,

    Many thanks for your comments. Yes, lots of people over the years have put up posts in their own languages. Feel free to do so but expect replies from fewer people as our global film community language is predominantly English.

    Looking forward to seeing you posts and replies on our pre-production forum.

    With every good wish,


    Francesco Uboldi

    Hi Murray,

    Congrats! This website was a great resource to begin with and now it just got better. Keep up the great work!

    Two quick suggestions, since you ask… 🙂

    1) The RSS feed, which I find very useful personally, doesn’t seem to be working:
    Could you look into it?
    2) I can only second what others have voiced here and in other threads. Could you find ways to have people who are asking for fixers/locations/etc be so courteous to make it public once they are no longer in need? Not entirely sure what would work best in this respect, but maybe others can chime in. Automated emails sent out periodically to remind the poster to come back to the forum and close the topic? Make each post stay active no longer than X amount of days unless the poster takes action to keep it alive, so to speak?
    Too “harsh”? Again, not sure. What do you guys think?

    In any case, many thanks again, Murray!

    All the best,

    Simon van Gorcum

    The new website looks slick! Job well done, kudos.


    Fixer Amsterdam, Netherlands (Holland)

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