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TLG Home Forums Pre-Production Forum Location suggestion needed

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  • Anonymous

    place with wind turbines
    place with solar panels
    a cat-walk like road path

    please send ideas to
    thank you!!

    Ibrahim Alturki

    Hi Vicki

    Please check your inbox!

    Morocco has all 4 locations available.

    We are also authorized to film with drones if needed.

    Let me what you think

    Plan C productions

    Shane Nunn

    Linda, Supported two wind turbine documentaries in China and have done extensive location scouting all over the mainland. As It seems you may be based in Hong Kong you may have already eliminated Mainland China for very rational reasons, if you are still open to shooting here happy to give you some thoughts and photos:
    Inside China is installed 48.5 % of the world’s wind power and 45.8% of the the world’s solar, every province is required by law to make 35% of it’s power generation from renewable sources which means those wind turbines and solar farms are in every region of the country though yes there is a concentration in desert regions.
    If I take a guess that you would want to shoot in the next few months two regions come to mind: Heilan mountains in Ningxia near good transportation in Lanzhou. Beautiful jagged mountain range break with wind turbines filling a valley between, large solar farms nearby, good and interesting roads. Though it is winter it is dry cold without snow.
    Yunnan has good wind turbines on ridge tops in the Himalaya, Dali county is of note and large installed solar farms of which Shilin county with rolling hills and strange rocks is of note. The weather is good this time of year with clear blue skies and because of the altitude difference you can find everything from lush tropic to snow peaked mountains within a days or a short flight of each other. Yunnan has some of the coolest roads in China too though I admit to not knowing exactly what you mean by” catwalk path.”
    Update me on what you are doing, send an NDA if you need to, I’d love to help you put something together.
    Shane Nunn (山男) 8613818619991(DEC 5), wechat: billyshane, skype: billy-shane-nunn, or email:


    Kinshasa and Mbujimayi ( Cities in the CONGO) are surely your destination and your location. Please email us with more infos:

    Ridha TURKI

    I can suggest : TUNISIA !
    All the productions shot in Tunisia had the best natural sets. Have faith in us to find you the adequate set.
    Please feel free to contact us :

    Azza TURKI
    International Monastir Films Services.

    Eugene Zykov

    Hi Vicki, I emailed you the photos from Kazakhstan, where I was a few months ago as a fixer for a production with a Singapore crew (you may read my story about this at my Best regards, –
    Eugene Zykov, Russian Film Commission

    Hi Vicki,

    Please google Kenya wind turbines (Images)


    fixer tony rimwah

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