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TLG Home Forums Pre-Production Forum Production service in Montenegro / Albania

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  • Michal Wojcikowski


    I am currently looking for a production service or a producer to help me film an internet commercial in Montenegro and/or Albania. Any recommendation will be appreciated.

    Josip Mesnjak


    We will be more than happy to assist you…just contact us with details at or mobile/Viber/Whatsapp +385995127000


    Josip Mesnjak

    Mirta Jusic

    Hi Michal, please send me the details to mirta.jusic.d(at)


    Mirta Jusic Dovodja
    FB: @MIRTAproductions

    Kras Gancev

    Dear Michal,
    I can offer you high quality production service in Croatia, unless you particularly need to shoot in mentioned countries.
    In Croatia you can easily find substitutions for most of the Montenegrin and Albanian locations. Nature is similar. Cities too.
    If you think this could work please reply:
    Kras Gancev


    Dear Michal,

    Please be more than free to contact Red production via e mail and/or We are at your disposal for any sort of enquiry, so please more than free to share your brief with us.

    Thank you in advance.

    Best regards,

    Maro Kockovic

    Hi Michal,
    Hope you are fine. Like some of the colleagues, we are based in Croatia but have great experience with shoots in Montenegro. As per Albania, we have also a great colleague we are working with when needed.
    Please send more info to or give me a call on +385 91 541 6683

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