Albany targets location filming boost with new video campaign
Albany in central New York State has launched a new video campaign promoting itself as a filming location. The two-minute short film gives a taste of the city’s architecture and focuses on some of its recent high-profile visitors, like Angelina Jolie’s Salt and Will Ferrell comedy The Other Guys.
Deborah Goedeke is with the Albany Visitors' Bureau: “In recent years, New York City has become an increasingly challenging environment to obtain permits due to traffic and safety.
Not only does downtown Albany have better co-operation; it has the advantage of sitting in close proximity to New York City.
Deborah Goedeke, Albany Visitors' Bureau
“Not only does downtown Albany have better co-operation; it has the advantage of sitting in close proximity to New York City, which for a lot of films and TV production is a big initiative to work so close to home.
New York State is keen to expand its film industry and recently sweetened its post-production incentive programme to include a higher tax credit for post work done outside New York City. The state’s main location filming competitors are still California and Louisiana, while places like North Carolina are also enjoying higher profiles.
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