Hunger Games sequel Catching Fire begins Hawaii location filming
Hunger Games sequel Catching Fire has started five weeks of filming on location in Hawaii. Shooting will take place on the island of Oahu and is scheduled to wrap a few days before Christmas.
Donne Dawson is Hawaii’s Film Commissioner and spoke to Hawaii News Now: “It’s a testament to the fact that Hawaii was able to provide the location that they needed. They looked all over the state and other jurisdictions, and settled on several spots here on Oahu.”
The first Hunger Games movie filmed on location in North Carolina and its massive box-office success put the state firmly in the spotlight. Much of Catching Fire’s story is set on a tropical island, which makes Hawaii an obvious choice.
Other scenes have shifted to Georgia rather than returning to North Carolina, possibly to get a better rebate on the stars’ massively increased pay.
(Hunger Games stills: Lionsgate)
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