Malta Film Commission makes bid to boost local film crew pool
The Malta Film Commission is aiming to boost local film crew numbers by inviting learning institutions to submit training services bids under a tender process. Training will be carried out as part of the European Social Fund Project ‘Re-skilling of workers for the Local Film Industry’.
“The Malta Film Commission - apart from promoting Malta as a film location - has the objective to implement training and outreach programmes to develop a fully-skilled audiovisual workforce,” said Film Commissioner Peter Busuttil.
Malta is a hugely popular filming location, doubling for Israel in Brad Pitt’s World War Z and sitting in for Indian Ocean locations in Tom Hanks’ modern piracy drama Captain Phillips. Moves to boost production industry training will be greeted positively given that limited regional crew numbers have been an issue in the past.
(Main page image: Mark Sansone; World War Z photo: Jaap Buitendijk/Paramount Pictures)
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