Written by on Dec 2, 2013. Posted in On Location

Miami to discuss new film studio development with EUE/Screen Gems

Authorities in Miami, Florida, are set to start negotiating for EUE/Screen Gems Studios to develop a new filming complex in the city. The plan is to build the Miami Entertainment Complex in a bid to attract more high-end productions like Burn Notice.

“We are eager to begin discussions on how we can add a location as diverse and as vibrant as this one to our production studio portfolio,” commented Chris Cooney, COO and co-owner of EUE/Screen Gems: “Miami offers a seasoned film community and experienced crew. The locations here are like no other in the country, and the Hollywood community is very aware of the assets Florida offers.”

Marc D Sarnoff, Chairman of the Miami Omni Community Redevelopment Agency, added: “We are a step closer to the creation of a state-of-the-art mixed-use studio that will benefit our local and regional community including millions of dollars annually in positive economic impact, the creation of hundreds of jobs and the revitalisation of the Omni District.

“Through this partnership, we will create the infrastructure needed to reignite the film industry in South Florida. As more productions see that Miami is serious about attracting the industry and that it has the facilities to accommodate major projects, the industry as a whole will be enhanced across the board.”

Miami offers a seasoned film community and experienced crew. The locations here are like no other in the country, and the Hollywood community is very aware of the assets Florida offers.

Chris Cooney, EUE/Screen Gems

South Florida is currently struggling to establish itself as a production centre in the US. Spy drama Burn Notice was the only long-running English-language TV series the region has hosted in recent years, and that came to an end earlier this year. The plan is to establish a world-class studio facility that will help attract more high-profile productions.

EUE/Screen Gems Studios already operates a major site in Wilmington, North Carolina, which recently hosted Marvel’s Iron Man 3.

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