Written by on May 26, 2014. Posted in Production News

Traktor films new Heineken Legend campaign on location in Hong Kong

Traktor filmed on location in Hong Kong for a new entry in Heineken’s Legends campaign. The City follows a man’s attempts to track down a beautiful woman in an exotic city when she leaves behind a set of business cards.

Hong Kong was chosen over cities such as Berlin, London and Mexico City to represent the campaign’s fictitious ‘Tangypore’.

“We chose Hong Kong for its dramatic skyline, neon-drenched streets, and grit-meets-sheen with an Asian flair,” explains Tony Stearns, a Producer with agency Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam.

Filming took place on downtown Hong Kong, at a racing track in Macao and at a studio in Kowloon.

“Our Men of the World know the usual hotspots in their cities and they are hungry for new experiences,” adds Gianluca Di Tondo, Senior Brand Director at Heineken: “The ‘Cities of the World’ campaign aims to inspire and motivate them to get out of their comfort zones, to embrace the unusual and embark on worldly adventures in their own cities.”

We chose Hong Kong for its dramatic skyline, neon-drenched streets, and grit-meets-sheen with an Asian flair.

Tony Stearns, Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam

Heineken’s recent campaigns have included the Dropped series, which saw colourful characters ‘dropped’ into various remote locations and given the task of finding their way home with only a handful of bizarre props. The series began in Alaska and shifted to Cambodia, Morocco, Poland and Philippines.

The brand also worked with Firecracker Films on an epic road trip following a backpacker travelling from Inner Mongolia through China to Thailand, apparently paying his way purely with bottles of Heineken.

Client: Heineken
Agency: Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam
Executive Creative Directors: Mark Bernath and Eric Quennoy
Head of Broadcast Production: Erik Verheijen
Agency Producers: Tony Stearns and Ross Plummer
Production Company: Traktor
Producer: Rani Melendez
Production Service Company: Prime Connections Inc
Director of Photography: Christopher Doyle
Director: Traktor

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