Written by on Apr 9, 2015. Posted in Incentive News

New study shows Louisiana filming incentive delivered $1.6bn economic output

Louisiana’s filming incentive supported economic output worth nearly USD 1.6 billion in 2013, according to new figures. The state offers a 30% uncapped filming incentive which in the past year alone has attracted major features like Terminator Genisys and Jurassic World.

Film tourism in Louisiana in 2013 is thought to have delivered spending of up to USD 766.6 million in personal income.

Around 15% of US out-of-state visitors to Louisiana came to visit a filming location in 2013, according to the study for Louisiana Film Entertainment Association.

“These latest figures are a demonstration that Louisiana’s motion picture incentive programme is not only working to encourage in-state productions, but it is also developing a booming and diverse state-wide economic sector,” said Vans Stevenson, Senior Vice President, State Government Affairs at the Motion Picture Association of America.

Despite the apparent success of Louisiana’s filming incentive, state budgetary concerns mean the programme faces an overhaul in the coming months. Changes to be considered could include introducing a yearly spending cap for the first time and making the tax credits non-transferable.

Louisiana remains one of the top production hubs in the US, along with New York, Atlanta and Los Angeles. Matthew McConaughey’s Civil War feature The Free State of Jones (above) has been one of the latest high-profile visitors, with the Oscar-winning actor returning to the southern state after the acclaimed TV miniseries True Detective and the feature Dallas Buyers Club.

The US production landscape could see changes in the coming months as California boosts its own filming incentive programme, although the state will be directing most of its annual funds towards television.

(Image: STX Entertainment)


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