Netflix’s Queer Eye moves to Kansas, Missouri for third season
Netflix’s hit reality show Queer Eye relocated to film its third season in Kansas City, Missouri after basing its first two seasons in Atlanta, Georgia.
The popular show sees the ‘fab five’ (pictured) as they make over people’s lives, challenging stereotypes and stigmas as they do so. Over a week the team makes over subjects’ lives, each specialising in either fashion, food, culture, home interiors or grooming.
The previous two seasons have both been based in Atlanta, Georgia and filmed all over the state but production for the third series jumped to Kansas City, Missouri for filming during summer 2018. Not only has the location changed but new subjects have been incorporated into this series, including the first makeovers of a queer woman as well as the team’s first time making over a couple.
While Missouri has no state-wide filming incentives, Kansas City offers a city-wide programme offering a up to 10% rebate with no per-project cap. To qualify, productions must film at least 25 percent of principal photography in the city boundaries. To receive 4%, a minimum Kansas City expenditures of USD50,000 per episode or USD10,000 for a TV series are required. To obtain the 9% rebate filming must take place? for four or more consecutive weeks in KCMO, employ twenty-five per cent local crew or principal cast or book over 250 KCMO room nights. An additional 1% is gained through specific marketing.
In comparison to Georgia’s base 20-30% credit, Kansas City’s incentive may seem modest, but a factor intrinsic to the show’s success has been the reception of the fab five by the local community. In comments to The Hollywood Reporter, Kansas City film commissioner Steph Scupham noted that the production was lured not only by the incentive but also by the support from Kansas City Film Office. According to Scupham, in addition to information on the local incentive, locations and crew, the film office’s pitch package included a letter from openly gay representative Greg Razer as well as a video from Kansas City’s own Mayor Sly James. In the video, James champions his city, saying “we have everything that you need, but the most important thing that you need for a show like yours are quality people. We have the best people in this entire country”, “The best thing about it is that when you come here to do your thing and film your show, you’re gonna find people who love you and want you to be here”. He also highlights the city’s cultural offerings including its renowned barbecue and diverse arts that can be found in the city.
First hitting screens in 2018, Netflix’s Queer Eye is a reboot based on the original Bravo series that ran from 2003 to 2007. Summing up the difference between the two series, Tan France explains “The original show was fighting for tolerance; our show is fighting for acceptance”. The original series filmed predominantly in New York while the pilot filmed in Boston, Massachusetts and special episodes were also shot on location in Texas, Las Vegas, and the UK.
New York currently has a 25% tax rebate available to 30% credit on qualified production and post-production costs incurred in the state. An additional 10% credit is applied to qualified labour costs in some out of state counties.
Georgia has a 20-30% tax credit available to productions spending a minimum of USD500,000 intended for distribution outside the state. The ten percent uplift, which takes the credit to its maximum 30% is earned by promoting Georgia in the programme. Any post work done in the state is also eligible for the credit.
Image Credit: Netflix
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