Written by Shona Smith on May 6, 2020. Posted in On Location

New Zealand’s Film Construction shoots heartwarming TVC under lockdown

New Zealand has begun its gradual exit from lockdown, but Auckland based production company Film Construction completed a TVC under restrictions.

“When your studio is on the same property as your home on the outskirts of Auckland city, New Zealand. Your camera kit's at arm’s reach. It turns out you're pretty well equipped for filming during lockdown in a pandemic” says Belinda Bradley, Executive Producer at Film Construction. “Strangely enough the studio has long been dubbed the FC Bunker. Somehow we always imagined zombies not Covid-19”.

The TVC Incredible Inside is a timely spot for New Zealand supplement and natural health brand Red Seal that delivers a positive message to those stuck at home, and was put together under strict lockdown measures.

The production operated within separate ‘bubbles’. Inside bubble one was Director Perry Bradley and EP/Photographer Belinda Bradley, along with Belinda's dad, Bela Fityus. Inside bubble two - Producer Jozsef Fityus. Bubble three - Dave Nash of Nash Studios, with side bubble - creative Connan James. The fourth brand was Red Seal.

“The Red Seal Knock The Bastard Off project echoes Sir Edmund Hillary's famous comment when he first conquered Mt Everest. And that’s exactly the spirit New Zealand has adopted in the face of this pandemic” says Bradley. “The film called for an elderly gentleman to embody that determination. And it just so happened that inside bubble one, along with too many packets of toilet rolls, was the perfect old man. With beautiful wisdom lines, and strong safe hands” says Bradley.

“Detailed preproduction ensued from one remote bubble to the other followed by filming between rain showers on a Lockdown Saturday afternoon, with a thermos of coffee and some Shrewsbury biscuits”.

Postproduction for the film was shared around even more bubbles. Editing, colour grading and onlining conducted by James Hutchinson of Reasonable People. Audio post was performed by David Liversidge of Big Tree Studios from his kitchen table at home. The voice-over artist via Mint Voices, also recording from home. And Toy Box despatching dubs. All of these steps were carried out remotely.

As New Zealand gradually eases lockdown measures, Bradley says “Film Construction is busy fielding international enquiries for remote filming”. Remote streaming connectivity systems have long been in place for long form projects such as Lord of the Rings. Even as international travel may be impacted in the wake of the virus, Bradley explains that because “we are quietly confident that through continued good management of the virus, and our excellent industry standards, New Zealand will have much to offer to global filmmakers, agencies & brands, as they search for safe & reliable territories to film in. Not to mention our incredible locations, and world class crew” says Bradley.


Executive Producer: Belinda Bradley
Producer: Jozsef Fityus
Director: Perry Bradley
Cinematographer: Belinda Bradley
Editing & Colourist: James Hutchinson
Audio Post: David Liversidge
Agency: Nash Studios - Creatives, Dave Nash & Conan James.
Client: Red Seal

For more information contact Film Construction.

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