Film USA reveals debut pavilion schedule for Cannes Film Festival 2022
Film USA has released its pavilion schedule for Cannes Film Festival 2022. A range of events and special talks have been organised to help attendees understand the breadth and depth of America's filmmaking scene. There are several opportunities to learn from industry specialists and interact with members of the international production community, including the FOCUS London and makers & shakers Awards mixer. This is Film USA's first time at the festival.
"We started with this idea that we would provide international marketing opportunities for American commissions," co-founder Katie Patton Pryor explained to The Location Guide in the latest issue of makers magazine (pp.97-100). "And when we began talking to everybody about this global marketing opportunities - starting at Cannes and growing from there - the reception was unbelievable."
The group was launched by Pryor and Tony Armer, respective film commissioners for Louisiana's Baton Rouge and Florida's St Pete-Clearwater. At Cannes 2021's Marché du Film, the pair realised that there was little industry representation for the USA as a whole. While places like the UK offer a pavilion dedicated to their films, film commissions and tax credits, the USA was missing an organisation that could unite the different commissions and organisational bodies that exist across the country.
Film USA's pavilion will be located at Pavilion #200 in the Marché du Film's International Village, Panterio. The full schedule is available below. For further information, contact:
May 18, 4pm-6pm
Film USA Happy Hour
Meet the Film USA team and learn about filming in the United States
May 19, 5pm-7pm
FOCUS London and makers & shakers Awards mixer
*by invitation only
May 20, 4pm-6pm
Louisiana Entertainment Happy Hour
Meet the State of Louisiana Entertainment office and learn about the incentives and filming in the great State of Louisiana.
May 20, 6pm-8pm
St Pete Clearwater Film Commission Happy Hour with Screen International
Meet the St Pete Clearwater Film Commission and learn about filming in the St. Pete Clearwater, Florida.
May 22, 7pm-9pm
Greg Banks musical performance event brought to you by Viewpark.
*Open to the first 50 guests
May 23, 4pm-6pm
Film USA Happy Hour
Meet the Film USA team and learn about filming in the United States
May 24, 4pm-6pm
The Mise-En-Scène Company happy hour!
Come meet the The Mise-En-Scène Company IN PERSON at their first physical market since the companies launch in 2020!
May 18th
TITLE: Film USA | Film Commissions, How They Can Help You as a Filmmaker
TIME: 2:30pm-3:30pm
SPEAKERS: Tony Armer, Film Commissioner St. Petersburg Clearwater Film Commission; Katie Pryor, Film Commissioner Baton Rouge Film Commission, additional Film Commissioners TBD.
DESCRIPTION: An often overlooked and underutilized asset in a filmmakers tool box is a Film Commissioner. Listen to these seasoned filmmakers as they unlock the secrets behind what a Film Commissioner can do for an independent movie production.
May 19th
TITLE: Writing Scripts that Sell
TIME: 11:00am- 12:00pm
SPEAKERS: Dave DeBorde
DESCRIPTION: Seasoned screenwriter, script doctor and Film professor, Dave DeBorde, will take you through his screenwriting structure and basics lecture that he’s given in classrooms and festivals all over the world"
TITLE: Film USA / The Art and Science of Pitching
TIME: 1:00pm- 2:00pm
SPEAKERS: Ramfis Myrthil, Maxim Jago, Krysanne Katsoolis
DESCRIPTION: Learn how to pitch your production and actually land the deal. Learn the guidelines of pitching your project and yourself. This is a good warmup for the Pitch Fest!
May 20th
TITLE: Film USA/Pitch Fest
Time: 1:00pm- 2:30pm
SPEAKERS: Luke Bourque, Ramfis Myrthil (Producer, Cicada), Krysanne Katsoolis, Maxim Jago, James Cole
DESCRIPTION: This is your opportunity to pitch movers and shakers in the industry! There will be a sign-up sheet and you will be given one minute to pitch and then receive two minutes of feedback from our panel of big industry machers. It will be 1st come, 1st serve and once the sheet fills up, there won’t be an opportunity to pitch your big idea to the panel. Do you have what it takes to be the next big thing? We’ll find out!"
Title: Film USA / Filmmaking in Louisiana: Everything You Need to Know About the Louisiana Filmmaking Landscape
Presented by Louisiana Entertainment
Time: 3:00pm- 4:00pm
MODERATOR: Dave Deborde
SPEAKERS: Chris Stelly, Executive Director of Louisiana Entertainment. Katie Pryor, Executive Director of Film Baton Rouge, and other film industry insiders from the state of Louisiana.
DESCRIPTION: Everything You Need to Know About the Louisiana Film Incentive and Filmmaking Landscape.
May 21st
Title: Film USA / The Truth On How To Get Your Movie Made in 2022 and Beyond
Time: 1pm- 2pm
SPEAKERS: Conroy Kanrter, Ramfis Myrthil, Tony Armer, Atit Shah and James Cole DESCRIPTION: This is an in-depth look at how to get a film/TV project made with a variety of panelists representing different aspects of the industry. Part 1 will focus on the eternal state of purgatory in the industry, also known as Development. How do you get started? How do you pick your projects and why are you picking those projects? Take lots of notes and come with your own questions. If you’re a filmmaker, you CANNOT afford to miss this panel!
May 22nd
Title: Film USA / Finance & Distribution: It’s not “Show-art,” it’s show business!
Time: 1pm- 2pm
SPEAKERS: Conroy Kanter, Bianca Goodloe, Christine Zhang, Corky Kessler DESCRIPTION: Leading experts in independent finance and distribution cover up-to- date nitty gritty of how movies get produced and put into the market.
Title: Film USA / Entertainment Law, Ask the Lawyer
Time: 2:30pm- 3:30pm
SPEAKERS: Bianca Goodloe, Corky Kessler, Gary Adelman
DESCRIPTION: This is an opportunity for audience members to ask these seasoned lawyers questions about the industry that may help them with their productions.
Title: Film USA / Film and Web3; the New Era For Making and Distributing Projects
The Future is Here: Web3 and the Entertainment Industry
Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm
SPEAKERS: Adam Morse, Alejandro De Grazia, Joseph Clarke aka Capital LS, Rohan Viraj Malhotra, Vishwa Naik and Tanmay Saxena
DESCRIPTION: This is an opportunity for audience members to ask these seasoned lawyers questions about the industry that may help them with their productions. This panel will educate creatives on the benefits of web3 for the entertainment industry. We will look at restoring the balance of royalties in favor of creatives, the success of web3 gaming and the potential of financing films on the blockchain. The panel will discuss the NFT revolution and what the metaverse will mean to the entertainment industry.
May 23rd
TITLE: Olsberg SPI / Demonstrating the value of public investment in the screen production sector.
Time: 10:30-11:30AM
MODERATOR: Jonathon Olsberg
SPEAKERS:Olsberg SPI Senior Consultant/Lead Economist Eleanor Jubb, select USA State Film Commissions and International Film Commissions,
DESCRIPTION: This session will show how to produce robust evidence of the range of benefits the industry delivers, from key economic impacts to social and cultural effects. Presented by the team at expert consultancy Olsberg SPI, and a number of stakeholder panelists, this seminar will present advice on how best to obtain and present the evidence in a convincing and digestible manner."
TITLE: Film USA / Navigating Film Festivals
Time: 1-2:00pm MODERATOR: Dave DeBorde
SPEAKERS: Tony Armer (Sunscreen Film Festival Founder), Dave DeBorde (Producer/ Screenwriter), Maxim Jago
DESCRIPTION: One of the most important skill sets an independent filmmaker can have is the ability to successfully navigate film festivals.
May 24th
Time: 1:00pm- 2:30pm
SPEAKERS: Luke Bourque (Back Porch Movies), Bobby Sutton Jr. (Venture Capitalist), Ramfis Myrthil (producer, Cicada), Joseph Clarke (Sound Park)
DESCRIPTION: This is your opportunity to pitch movers and shakers in the industry! There will be a sign-up sheet and you will be given one minute to pitch and then receive two minutes of feedback from our panel of big industry machers. It will be 1st come, 1st serve and once the sheet fills up, there won’t be an opportunity to pitch your big idea to the panel. Do you have what it takes to be the next big thing? We’ll find out!"
Images: Dominic Spohr and Film USA
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