Written by Joe Jackson on May 16, 2022. Posted in Awards and Festivals

Fundraiser for Ukrainian filmmakers kicks off at Cannes 2022

As Cannes Film Festival kicks off, many pavilions and events will support The Location Guide, Filmmakers for Ukraine and EUFCN's fundraising campaign for the Ukrainian filmmaking community. Ukrainian lapel pins are on sale throughout the festival at a range of locations, and a minimum donation of EUR10 is required by scanning a QR code.


The Ukrainian lapel pins will be available at the following Cannes locations:

  • The American Pavilion
  • Austria Pavilion
  • Belgium Pavilion
  • Croatian Audiovisual Centre Pavilion
  • CST (Higher Technical Commission for Sound and Images)
  • German Pavilion
  • Film Centre of Montenegro Pavilion
  • Film France
  • CNC (National Center for Cinema)
  • Film USA Pavilion
  • FOCUS London and makers & shakers Awards mixer
  • UK Pavilion
  • UPC (French Producers Cinema)
  • Le SPI (French Producers TV & Cinema)
  • Southern Sweden at Members Lounge Long Beach
  • North Macedonia Film Agency Pavilion
  • The Members Lounge Long Beach


More locations will be added soon. If you have a pavilion or an event at Cannes, and would like to get involved in this fundraiser, then please contact: clara.le@thelocationguide.com.



“We want to support an initiative that helps Ukrainian producers and creatives quickly, directly and transparently," explains Clara Le, The Location Guide’s commercial director. “We are very happy to unite with Filmmakers for Ukraine and EUFCN for this worthy cause - and we must also offer our deepest thanks to all the events and pavilions who are supporting our campaign. Now, we want to reach out to Cannes's international filmmaking community, with the goal of raising as much money as possible during the festival.”

Filmmakers for Ukraine is an independent European group of filmmakers that gathered after the start of the war in Ukraine. Launched by Crew United, the group created an online platform - an information hub with different kinds of support (accommodation, legal assistance, work, education) - for all those affected by the war, paying special attention to the country’s film community alongside people from socially marginalised groups (LGBTQ+, BPOC, women, children and national minorities). The team is in daily contact with many people who turn to them for help.


EUFCN - the European Film Commissioners Network - is a non-profit association that supports the European film industry and culture. The organisation aims to develop the exchange of information between its members, improving location research and shooting possibilities while supporting and encouraging the establishment of new Film Commissions.


Filmmakers for Ukraine - Fundraising Statement

The most important elements of our campaign are:

  • supporting filmmakers
  • helping quickly (for example, sending money by PayPal directly to individual filmmakers in need)
  • avoiding unnecessary formalities, minimalising administrative costs, and maintaining full transparency

In solidarity,

The Location Guide, Filmmakers for Ukraine and EUFCN


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