Bas Production

Classification Production Service Companies
Type F C T D I P
Address Kamniska Ulica 49
State (na)
Country Slovenia
Telephone (386 1) 530 7171
Regions covered Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Austria
Languages English
Trading since 2002

Recent productions

Audi The Swan
Park Pictures,
Director: Joachim Back
Producer: Jeremy Barnes
Type: TV Commercials
Country: United Kingdom
X Drive Village
Markenfilm Hamburg,
Director: Marc Schoelermann
Producer: Cornelius Ronenz
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Germany
3: The Others Are Mad
Director: Henrik Sundgren
Producer: Ylva Axell
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Sweden
Wanda Production,
Producer: Claude Fayolle
Type: TV Commercials
Country: France
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