Global Protection Shield, HR Diagnostics

Global Protection Shield, HR Diagnostics

HR Diagnostics (HRD) and Global Protection Shield (GPS) are leading international specialists in the provision of medical, security, safety, and rescue services. Together, their synergy creates a turnkeysolution for your productions.
Our teams of highly qualified specialists have supported production crews around the world since 1998. We offer a combination of specially trained security personnel, local security force management, and comprehensive medical services for any project. Unified security, safety, and emergency personnel affords an integrated, high-quality, rapid response and rescue chain. This coordination lowers the risk of subsequent safety and security hazards, providing a stable psychological work environment, increasing production efficiency, and reducing production costs. Offices in the U.S., Europe, and Africa as well as international alliances in more than 80 countries allow for extensive and immediate access to your productions. We are also Emmy-award winning preferred vendors for Paramount, HBO, Warner, Amazon Studios, BBC, and other clients.

Classification Security Services
Type F C M T D I P
Address 2718 Athens Avenue
State California
Country United States of America
Telephone +1 323 541 7090
Languages English, German
Trading since 1998
Contact Hermann Binek - CEO
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