Shooting in Spain

Shooting in Spain

Shooting in Spain is a brand of ICEX-Invest in Spain, a public business-oriented entity of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business, tasked with promoting and attracting foreign direct investment in Spain. Its mission also includes providing support for entrepreneurs and business owners seeking to establish in the country. Invest in Spain, through Shooting in Spain, focuses on attracting audiovisual productions and foreign investments in the Spanish audiovisual sector, while also offering assistance to entrepreneurs looking to establish their ventures related to any screen-based media in Spain.

Launched in 2022 by ICEX, the Spain Audiovisual Bureau is a one-stop shop for international companies interested in undertaking initiatives in the audiovisual sector in Spain. It is a key component of the strategic "Spain, Audiovisual Hub of Europe" plan initiated in 2021 by the Government of Spain. Spain Audiovisual Bureau serves as a gateway to Spain Audiovisual Hub, the central source of all information on Spain’s audiovisual industry.

Classification Production Service Companies
Type F C T D I
Address ICEX Spain Trade & Investment, Paseo de la Castellana, 278
State Madrid
Country Spain
Telephone (+34) 917 325 402
Languages Spanish, English, French, Chinese
Trading since 2022
Contact Susana de la Rosa - Communication Officer
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