Fresco Film Services

Classification Production Service Companies
Type F C T D I P
Address Avenida de Roma 36-40, Escalera A, Entresuelo 2ª
State Catalonia
Country Spain
Telephone (34 93) 706 5430
Regions covered Spain, Portugal
Languages English, Spanish, German, French
Trading since 1972

Recent productions

Ich Bin Dann Mal Weg
UFA Cinema,
Director: Julia von Heinz
Producer: Henry Rehorek
Type: Films
Country: Germany
Director: Jon Barber
Producer: Dagmar Garber
Type: TV Commercials
Country: Germany
Emerald City
NBC Universal,
Director: Tarsem Singh
Producer: Chris Thompson
Type: TV Programmes, broadcast and mows
Country: United States of America
Ein Sommer In Barcelona
Producer: Till Derenbach
Type: TV Programmes, broadcast and mows
Country: Germany
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