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TLG Home Forums Pre-Production Forum Filming dramas in Kenya

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  • Jo Reeve

    Hi all,

    Does any one know the production company/fixer used by the ITV drama ‘Wild at Heart’ when they filmed in Africa? Also does anyone know if it was Kenya they filmed in?

    Many thanks


    Michael Hamm

    I often work as their line producer with the bigger one in Kenya: Bluesky Films.
    I’m not sure about “wild at heart” I know they did produce a TV drama some time ago. They have serviced many feature films and they are currently producing a TV drama.
    You can contact me at or (executive producer of Bluesky films). Feel free to call me for any enquiries.

    Michael Hamm

    maybe you mean the TV Drama Heart and Soul?

    If you mean the Wild at Heart vet series produced by Bill Shephard, we did discuss shooting in Kenya but sadly on this occassion we lost to South Africa and Namibia. If you would like to find out more about specific loctaions I could pass your enquiry to Bill. Our company/contacts are Ginger Ink, email or
    If there are particular types of locations in the series that appeal to you, let us know too – we may be able to provide those kinds of backdrops in Kenya, and at a price & proximity to the capital that often beats our friends in the South hands down! Best of luck with your project…Ginger Wilson, Nairobi, Kenya

    Hi, Namibia is one of the locations used on many wildlife series and Namib Film is Namibia premier service company facilitating many different shoots from outside our borders. We have assisted the BBC on a number of productions and will assist you any way we can. Please have a look at our web site for a sample of the locations available in Namibia as well as news on various productions we have assisted.


    Anne-Marie, very late response indeed but better late than never. It was and still is being filmed in South Africa. If you need any further info pleas contact me. Greig Buckle or on my mobile +27825585176.

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