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TLG Home Forums Pre-Production Forum fixer needed in republic of Georgia

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  • athan lau

    we are independent documentary filmmakers

    need a local fixer on Tbilisi (3-4 days), Gori, Tskaltubo (2-3 days), Poti and Batumi (2-3 days)
    total 10-12 days
    the fixer need to be familiar with local situation (including road, people , culture and race )
    if you have a car is better
    Language: Georgian, English (translate for us)

    phone interview required
    if you are interested please send me an email and give me a quote.

    Eugene Zykov

    Hi Athan Lao, I emailed you a few questions to clarify, so that I may provide you with absolutely accurate quote which will definitely minimize your buidget. Anyway, I available for you 24/7 to share information. Best regards, Eugene Zykov, Owner, Producer of Russian Film Commission Мob: +7 905 545 34 14 (also via Facetime/Viber/WhatsUpp/i-Messenger)

    Irakli Bagaturia

    Hi, i’m Tbilisi based producer. I’m professional production person, i’ve huge experience in future film production all around Georgia. My positions mainly are executive producer, line producer, as well as location manager, first AD and so on.
    Tell me please how can I help you. Here is my mail :
    Good luck, Irakli Bagaturia

    Venugopal Nair

    Please contact Irakli Makatsaria Phone no: + 995 591 305040. He has tremendous experience in handling any kind of shoot in Georgia.

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