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TLG Home Forums Pre-Production Forum Frozen Lake in March in Europe – advice please!

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  • katerina spurova

    We need to find a frozen lake for shooting of Czech feature film (2 days) on the beginning of March. Estonia? Latvia? Poland? Finland? Anybody here from these countries? Advice please!

    Nazlan Ozden

    Hi from Pozitif film Turkey,
    We have frozen lake in turkey..
    nazlan özden
    +90 532 212 93 95


    Hello from Poland! We have two beautiful regions with plenty of scenic locations and lakes.
    1) Mazury – many big and small lakes, forests and small towns.
    2) Tatra mountians – high, rocky mountains with lakes. Similar to Alpes, lower and easier in terms of shooting.
    Valleys of this kind:

    Both regions are reachable during one day trip from the capital and in several hours form other airports/cities. Accomadation is easy to find.

    Feel free to get in touch with me:
    Marcin Andruchów
    Executive Producer & Co-Owner
    +48 502 979 226

    Eugene Zykov

    Hi Katerina, how about a few facinating lakes in Belarus (the country with most cost-effective locations & services in Eastern Europe)? And if you REALLY want such a breath-taking lake, I suggest Lake Baikal: 1-meter thick ice, clean and polished like a window glass, so that you may clearly see the bottom 20-30 meters down. Best regards, Eugene Zykov, CEO, Producer Russian Film Commission
    М:+79055453414 Skype: ezykov

    Daemon Hillin

    Hi Katerina,

    Our office in Poland can help you guide with this. From simple location scouting, to complete film production facilities and service, we have a team with the local knowledge about filming in Europe.

    Our website is:

    Feel free to get in touch with us:

    katerina spurova

    Hi Dwight, I already have the location manager in Poland – thank you for the offer. Katerina

    Joachim Lyng

    Dear Katerina
    Norway has a wide and diverse selection of lakes that are fully frozen and safe to work on in March. Please visit out website and dont hesitate to contact us for a quote.
    Best regards

    Tashi Namgyal

    Hi Katerina

    Ladakh in Himalaya (india) is a most attractive tourist location, pls check Pangong and Tsomoriri lake…
    and comparatively it extremely low budget.

    +91 9906994117

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