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TLG Home Forums Pre-Production Forum HOUSE/VILLA EUROPE

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  • Isabelle Verreyke

    Hello – for a fashion shoot we are looking for a big beautiful house around Europe – with a sea view – and lots of corners and space outside (we will only shoot outside the house) preferably we will have beige walls.
    Please let me know if you can do any proposals – or can give me a hint with good location databases.

    Thank you!

    Stoyan Galabov

    Hello Isabelle,

    Our company FIlm Fixers Balkans, can provide you simillar locations in countries as Greece, Croatia, Bulgaria, Montenegro and ext.

    Please, contact us on 00359899165823 or


    James Bretherton

    Hello Isabelle

    Hope this finds you well.

    With regard to your request for houses with sea views, we have several options throughout Spain, Balearic and Canaries Islands.

    Please contact

    Kind regards

    Jose Trullenque

    Hi Isabelle
    We have spectacular houses for fashion shootings, with views over the Mediterranean Sea, in natural spaces, write to my email so I can send you proposals.


    Lino Ruggiero

    Hello Isabelle

    Hope this finds you well.

    With regard to your request for houses with sea views, we have several options throughout Italy. (Amalfi Coast- Capri – Sicily – Tuscany – Apulia – Sardinia. We have spectacular houses for fashion shootings, with views over the Mediterranean Sea, in natural spaces, write to my email so I can send you proposals.


    Castelli ROMANI, Popes’ Summer Land ( Rome-Italy) is absolutely and definitely your final stop. Italy is also the land of gurus of haute couture and prêt-à-porter.
    The “B PLAN” could be in CONGO.

    Please contact Kim Bikila at Malcolm X casting or CONGOSET.
    Another location excellent is WELLINGTON ( NEW ZEALAND). For all of the options, the key is Kim

    Rafael del Vigo

    Hi Isabelle, we can surely help in the East coast of Spain, we have done many photoshoots. Please drop me an email with more info on dates/needs and I will get back to you with some options.

    Kind regards,


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