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Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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  • Tommy Wike

    I work as Supervising Location Manager for an international tv drama production.

    We are in prep with a project which will require filming at an international airport. The shoot is scheduled to begin early 2022 and it is all interior shots in various areas of an airport (terminals/gates/security check etc etc).

    Ideally we would find an airport that is not in use anymore but can be dressed to look like an operating airport. Or an operating airport that is not too busy and allow for filming. Or maybe an empty convention center or similar that can be dressed to look like airport areas. It is important that we can get a sense that the airport is big enough for international flights.

    We are looking all over Europe for locations.

    All the best,

    Tommy Wike

    Colin Cash

    Chat with Skoti Collins in LA. He has handles a lot of airport terminal shoots and has access to options

    Colin Cash

    Chat with Gil Kolirin in London.

    Colin Cash

    Pls ignore sorry. Only see now its europe. Def chat with Gil in London

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Colin Cash.

    Nazlan Ozden

    We have an int. airport in ıstanbul is closed and easy for shooting a tv serial.
    pls contact
    +90 5322129395
    nazlan özden

    Thank you for your sharing,That’s pretty cool.
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