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  • Jessica Bradbury

    We are urgently looking for a team of location scouts in TOKYO who are used to dealing with high end commercial clients for immediate start on a last minute but large scale project.
    Need very experienced scouts only – thank you!!
    Please email

    Masato Yamada

    Hello Jess

    I am fixer based in Tokyo.

    If you still need location scout in Tokyo, please let me know. I can help you find location.


    Coordinator / Photography
    Skype: masato.yamada

    Dr. Shibly

    Hello Ms. Bradbury:

    Our location management company Winking Dragon is available to help with most scouting assignments in Tokyo as well as Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima and Okinawa.
    It would help if you could advise us on the type of locations that you are interested in. Some public places are relatively easy to access, while other private venues will require personal contacts with the owners, and they will request details about the scope and content of your filming.
    We can coordinate with our associated cameramen and model agencies on the ground in Tokyo to do filming of crowd scenes with multilingual crews and extras.
    Please note that setting up car chase scenes on Japanese roads are extremely difficult in terms of permits.
    Winking Dragon staff

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