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TLG Home Forums Pre-Production Forum Looking for a fixer in Santiago, Chile.

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  • Rose Tucker


    We are a small documentary team currently shooting a feature documentary about the relationship between humans and dogs, all around the world. We are currently researching story ideas in Santiago, Chile, and are quite interested in the concept of ‘quiltros’. We’re hoping to work with a local fixer to help us find potential characters/subjects, as well as act as a translator for us during the shoot.

    We are a crew of two, with minimal equipment. We’ll be looking to film between 3-5 days, with exact dates to be determined once the story/characters are confirmed.

    This is a low budget project, and we are happy to consider working with students or those with less experience.

    If you are interested in learning more, please shoot me an email.


    Rose Tucker
    Producer, Urtext Films

    Louis Bronsard

    Hola Rose,
    I’m contacting you via your Urtext Films account.
    Have a great day,
    Louis Bronsard
    + 569 9 226 0445

    Rodrgo Fernandez

    Dear Rose, we are an experienced production company and we will be happy to fix your requierements. Dogs is a matter familiar for us. I will contact you right now via mail

    Remi Noiriel

    Hello Rose,
    We will shoot you an email, as we have great experience in Chile, and would love to participate.


    Hello Rose stay with me I have a lot experience un documentaries.
    Best regards
    Fernando Mecklenburg
    Image & Fixer

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