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TLG Home Forums Pre-Production Forum Recommendation for location with snow (early October)

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  • Sharpe

    Looking to shoot on a flat expanse of snow (think frozen lake, fjord etc…ideally without tonnes of mountain in the background) in the first week of October – would greatly appreciate any recommendations for locations.
    Currently thinking that I would have to go to South America but would love to be able to find this in Europe if at all possible…. thank in advance!

    Hazel ALKIM

    Hi there !
    We think, we could provide you locations in Turkey, you’re looking for. Please send us more references for us to show you, proper locations, which could match with your ideas & needs.

    Kind Regards,

    Hazel ALKIM
    Mob.: +90 532 493 11 78
    email :

    David Bishop

    hi there

    pemberton ice cap in british columbia glacier would be a good start.

    let us know if we can help you

    david bishop

    David Bishop

    Joachim Lyng

    Film in Norway can assist you with a great, accessible and effective location for this in Europe.
    Best regards
    Joachim Lyng

    Daniel Alvarez

    Hello, definitely South America is a good option. Please send full details to my Email, so I can prepare an accurate proposal.

    Best, Daniel



    You could find this location also from Finnish Lapland in Northern Europe, on and above the Arctic Circle. Flight connections to Lapland are short and frequent. Do contact us for more information. We have snow for 200 days a year and the type terrain and landscape you mention.

    Best regards,
    Kirsikka Paakkinen

    Finnish Lapland Film Commission

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by .
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