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Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 36 total)
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  • in reply to: Re building Venice

    Alex Jones

    Dear David,

    i am writing you from Habana , Cuba and we have a great town called Matanzas 1hrs east of Habana where you can find many rivers inside the city and Buildings constructed close to the river as well . I will attach some reference pics . We have a very talented ArtDepartment
    here as well and we are very cost effective as well so if you think that cuba could be an option for you please feel free to contact me at any time .

    best regards

    Frank Vervoorst
    Buenavistafilms S.A.
    +535 2645290

    in reply to: looking for locations for 1900 paris

    Alex Jones

    Hello Jun,

    Cuba could be a very interesting place for you . Habana has some great avenues and streets that can double for Paris in the 1900s . We are also very competitive to work on
    the budget you have . I will prepare a ftp link for you and forward by email .
    attached some reference pictures .

    thank you for looking and hope to be of any service to you .

    best regards from Habana – Cuba

    Frank Vervoorst
    +535 2645290


    Alex Jones

    Dear Francois,

    Cuba has some stunning Nature Locations with forest , lakes and rivers . The average temperature this time of year is 24 degrees . I will set up a link for you with location moods
    and forward shortly to you .

    best regards from Cuba .


    Alex Jones

    Dear Tanya

    its Frank from Buenavistafilms here in Cuba . I believe that Cuba with its Historic Cities
    will be the perfect choice for your Production needs . The Climate will be just perfect this time of year ! Please contact me at : .

    Thank you and please send my best regards to all the Team at PSB .

    Frank Vervoorst
    Buenavistafilms Cuba
    phone : +535 2645290

    Alex Jones

    Dear Vytautas,

    we have the perfect weather conditions here in Cuba .
    Please let me know if we can be of any further help for your upcoming shoot .

    best regards

    Frank Vervoorst

    in reply to: cargo ship/oil tanker

    Alex Jones

    Hi Rory,

    have you thought about shooting this in Panama ?
    Let me know if this could work for you and I will get you more info .


Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 36 total)
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