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    Hello Jean-Patrick,
    My name is Anna Zavorszky, I am a line producer at a Hungarian production company called Cafe Film. We produce features ( two of them were selected at the Cannes Intl. Film Festival) and TV programs for the Hungarian market as well provide production services for foreign productions. We work with recognized Hungarian film professionals and our regular film crew is experienced in realizing International production requirements.
    Please check our website:
    It would be great to meet you once you are in Budapest, please contact us on the following e-mail address or phone number:
    Cell: +36 30 201 7645

    Hi Karishma,
    I am writing you from Budapest and wonder if you have options for the outdoor location from Hungary? If not, please check these images.
    Let me know if you need a quote for the this location and the Opera House. Please contact:
    Anna / CafeFilm

    in reply to: late may early june wheat field

    Hey Alex,
    Hungary could be an excellent option for you, we have large wheat fields and many ethnic groups could be casted easily. However the fields will only turn golden in July.
    Let me know if you are interested, I will send you reference images (location and talent). Also, please note we have a tax rebate system for film-makers, you could get back 20% of your filming costs spent in Hungary.
    Anna Zavorszky
    +36 30 201 7645

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