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  • in reply to: Question about filming in Costa Rica

    Hi, my understanding is that you want to shoot specifically in Galapagos. If this is the case you will need to work in Ecuador as the Archipelago is entirely located in its waters. We have done a number of shoots in the Galapagos the most recent of which was in Feb of 2012. Permits to shoot in Galapagos are extremely strict and processing needs to be started at least 6 months prior to shooting, however if all the requirements are met and paperwork is handled properly it is a relatively easy process.

    If you are looking for alternative options to shooting in Galapagos a good option is the Ballestas Islands in Peru. These small islands are easily accessible from Lima and are renowned for their bird and sea mammal colonies and are often referred to as the mini Galapagos. Permits to shoot at the ballestas islands take 3 weeks to secure and are much cheaper than shooting in the Galapagos.

    We specialize in providing production services in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador so am sure will be able to help you find and secure an appropriate location for your shoot. For more information please visit our website or contact me directly via email to

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Maxim Holland

    in reply to: Fixer in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador

    Hi, we are a production company based in Peru and have over 10 years experience outfitting film and Tv productions throughout Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. For more info on our services please visit our website or contact me directly.

    Sincerely Maxim Holland

    in reply to: Experienced bilingual producer needed

    Hi, I am british born but have lived in Peru for 20 years and have been working in film and TV production in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia for the last 10 years. For more information please see my website ( or contact me directly

    in reply to: Grown Cornfield in September

    Hi Klara, I am writing to you from Peru. The harvesting season for corn here in the Andes begins in October/November so September is a great time to shoot corn fields. The best corn fields are probably in the Sacred Valley near Cusco because of the spectacular mountain views, but there is a huge variety of other possible corn growing areas ranging from fertile coastal valleys to lush cloud forest. Please contact me directly if you would like to see some location photos of corn fields in Peru.

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