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  • in reply to: Underwater producer needed

    Corin Kiddy

    Hi All,
    I represent Mike Rutzen underwater videography. Mike has over 15 years of underwater videography and documentary experience and is known as a worldwide shark behaviourist, Fixer and Producer.
    We operate across Africa and can assist with all production, equipment and management requirements for underwater shoots. We also own 7 boats in varying sizes with capabilities for shark diving, extensive power and accommodation requirements.
    Please find further information here or email me on for any assistance. We can also assist with all inland requirements too.
    Best regards

    in reply to: Underwater producer needed

    Corin Kiddy

    Hi All,
    I represent Mike Rutzen underwater videography. Mike has over 15 years of underwater videography and documentary experience and is known as a worldwide shark behaviourist, Fixer and Producer.
    We operate across Africa and can assist with all production, equipment and management requirements for underwater shoots. We also own 7 boats in varying sizes with capabilities for shark diving, extensive power and accommodation requirements.
    Please find further information here or email me on for any assistance. We can also assist with all inland requirements too.
    Best regards

    Corin Kiddy

    I represent the production team of Great White Shark expert, Mike Rutzen.

    We can assist with any marine based filming in South Africa. Fleet of 5 boats, kitted out for shoots, underwater videography team and expertise in over 10 award winning documentaries. Please contact us on

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