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  • Hi Zach,

    My name is Max and I run Chile fixer. Chile is the prefect country to do your shoot in relation of locations / logistics and production cost. Please write me an email to and I will be more glad to provide you a full research, location information and everything you need.
    Have a lovely day,

    in reply to: European looking locations in Feb

    Hola Laura!

    My name is Max Cruz. I’m base in Chile. Chile it has plenty of European looking locations.

    Please let me know if you would like us to set up a location presentation for you.

    My email is

    Have a lovely evening,

    Hey Dani!

    This is Max Cruz, writing you from Chile, and im a local fixer / Producer.

    Please visit my website and feel free to write me an email to

    Please let me know if would like some help from my side, hear some references from me, ect… i’ll be more than happy to assist you.

    Have a great day!

    in reply to: A hut/house covered in snow in September

    Hey Michal,

    This is Max Cruz, writing you from Chile, nice to meet you.
    We have those types of locations in Chile but it will required you 1 day travel If you would like to ensure that amount of snow. Any way, we are expecting a snow storm during the mid of September (Even here in Santiago) so that will make a big difference budget wise.

    If you would like me to put some numbers together please let me know.

    Have a gret day!

    Max Cruz
    +56 9 5189 3305
    Skype: maximilianocruzburmeister

    in reply to: Looking for Fixers/Researchers for Project Worldwide

    Hola Brent,

    Is nice to Forum meet you :)

    My Name is Max Cruz, i’m a Fixer / Producer based in Chile. I Just shot a couple of weeks ago with Committed_Films from USA in a very similar project. Also in the past I helped production companies and directors (also from USA) to develop stories about people & locations here in Chile. I have a strong knowledge about Chile and South America and as well I worked as a senior researcher in a few Servicer productions companies in Chile so I can help you to deliver a world class research presentation. I will be more than happy If I can help with this project it looks very interesting to me :)

    Please feel free to contact me
    Looking forward to hearing from you
    Mobile: +56 9 5189 3305 | Skype: maximilianocruzburmeister |

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