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  • Farhad Hasan

    Hello Henry we are Memoria + Cultura and we work on Dominican Republic and Haiti, and incredible island with the highest mountains in the caribbean and exotic and virgen beaches.

    At dominican Republic we have a cinema law with very important incentives for the foreigner productions at the country.

    If you need more info please e-mail us
    Best regards

    Farhad Hasan

    Hello Henry we are Memoria + Cultura and we work on Dominican Republic and Haiti, and incredible island with the highest mountains in the caribbean and exotic and virgen beaches.

    At dominican Republic we have a cinema law with very important incentives for the foreigner productions at the country.

    If you need more info please e-mail us
    Best regards

    in reply to: Seeking a fixer in haiti.

    Farhad Hasan

    Dear Nick,

    We are writing from “Memoria + Cultura” (Memory + Culture), a collective of artists videomakers who work on film productions in our country.

    We have done several projects with our neighboring country, Haiti, with which we are currently working on another project called “Sparring Partners Project”, that seeks to strengthen the artistic and technical skills through the production and financing of documentary projects, both in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The official website of the project is

    The purpose of this message is in relation to the needs you have with the production logistics for the fixer in Haiti and, considering our filming expertise in Haiti, we believe we could reach an agreement to work together and offer facilities or production requirements that you might need.

    We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

    Best regards,

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