Pre-production forum

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  • jo phipps

    Dear Gurmeet,

    I am a freelance production and agency producer working out of London with over 15 years experience. I would be interested to know more about your proposal, company and directors. You can email me directly at if you would like me to forward you a link to my credits. All the best

    Alan Traquair

    in reply to: Large Wind Tunnel

    jo phipps

    Try the Hush House – Bentwaters Airfield – Ipswich – uk – Good Luck.


    in reply to: directors

    jo phipps

    Hello there,

    I am responding to your request for Directors. I produce for a Director called Jim Field Smith.
    Jim speaks both english and german. We are based in London but always up for discussing possible collaborations with other companies.
    You can view our work at

    If you would like any further information please feel free to contact me on +44 7973 344 683 or via email at

    Kind Regards

    Alan Traquair

    in reply to: Senior Producer for Shanghai (Full time)

    jo phipps

    Dear Sirs,

    I am interested in the position that you have advertised for a Senior Producer within your company. You can view my current CV at the following link:

    I have just recently completed a campaign for Smirnoff Vodka and am currently in post production on a short film for the BBC.

    I would relish the chance to work in Shanghai and China. If you feel that I have what you are looking for then I would be pleased to discuss the prospect with you in more detail.

    Many thanks in advance for your time.

    Kind Regards

    Alan Traquair

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
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  • All messages express the views of the author, and not of The Location Guide;
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