Pre-production forum

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Thousands of producers, location and production professionals worldwide use our free pre-production forum service to post location briefs and production requests of all descriptions.
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  • Jurgen Hoppe

    Hello from the Dominican Republic.
    1.) some of the largest rainforests in the Caribbean (lowland and altitudes up to 11,000 feet).
    2.) no dangerous snakes
    3.) 25% tax credit for foreign productions
    4.) over 3,000 professionals working in the movie business.
    5.) over 20 feature films made every year.
    6.) no import bonds, fees or taxes for imported gear
    7.) English speaking local crew
    8.) 7 international airports
    9.) inexpensive productions costs.
    10.) best infrastructure in the Caribbean.
    Welcome to the Dominican Republic!

    in reply to: Location Scouting

    Jurgen Hoppe

    Hello Mital,
    certainly the Dominican Republic or the British Virgin Islands would be your best choice.
    Please contact our main office in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic ( and ask for a complete selection of exclusive locations prepared by National Geographic contributors.
    Best Regards
    Jurgen Hoppe
    Caribemotion RD, SRL
    Santo Domingo, DR
    T: 809 543 2186 or from US 786 235 8444

    in reply to: Driver needed Dominican Republic

    Jurgen Hoppe

    Hello, we are pleased to offer you the service of an English speaking driver with extensive experience as crew driver for the dates mentioned. The daily fee is US$ 100.00.
    If you are interested please let us know at
    jurgen@caribemotion com
    T: +809 543 2186
    Jurgen Hoppe

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