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  • in reply to: Silly games people play….

    3. “Silly games” children play in yard
    It’s called “Chlotsi”
    The explaination: If there are more than 7 kids they choose one and take from him something. They are then doing everything not to allow this child to take back his thing. The other children stand around and pass the object to each other but never touch the other children with their hands.

    Note: The same game could be played with a ball.

    4. “Silly game” everybody plays in our country.
    It’s called “Xabelu or” ( the day of lying)
    The explaination: Every year on 1st of April, when you meet someone you need to lie to them as there is no truth at that day.
    The game is interesting because everybody knows about that and very often has the chance to catch someone out!.

    in reply to: Silly games people play….

    1. “Silly Games” during the armenian weddings
    After a great Armenian wedding party we have a game called “Kokh”
    The explaination: the father in law and mother in law start a fight, and it lasts until one of the fighters puts the other on their back.

    2. “Silly games” children play at school
    It’s called “yubka barcacnoci” (pulling up of skirts)
    The explaination: Boys are trying to pull up girls skirts and the boy who pulls up the most skirts is the winner.
    Note: Puppils were playing that game until 1995 but it is still remembered by many people.

    in reply to: Shooting TVCM in Tbilisi and Republik of Georgia

    Dear Masato,

    I am writing from Bars Media, a production company located in Armenia. We have a very good experience in working with foreign production companies and providing full production services (TVC for Le Spot Production, Greece, Documentary film for WDR, Germany, etc.). Last year our company successfully worked in a documentary about a Georgian artist in Tbilisi. There is no risk working there. In extreme cases, if needed, Georgian police can accompanied the filming crew. Tbilisi is only 6 hours away from Yerevan and we can organize all necessary filming in Georgia. However, if you change your mind about filming TVC in the Republic of Georgia, we can suggest you to do it in Armenia, an ancient country of mountains and history.
    You can contact me at e-mail address. Our Web site is

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Best Regards,


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