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    Hello Nestor,
    if you are looking for a freelancer producer/fixer and not a production service i would recomend you Deborah Rubertelli.
    She is a very experienced producer, spanish and italian mother language and worked have with me many times in various international projects.
    if you are looking for a production service of course i could be of your help.

    in reply to: Volcano landscapes in EUROPE

    Hello Bartek,
    in ITALY there are two possible alternatives for that, one is the Vesuvio volcano.
    It is located over Naples, so depending on your shooting requirements a very interesting possibilitiy also considering logistic, main crew and equipment are 200 km away in rome, or 2 hours drive, while part of the crew can be also found in naples itself.
    Vesuvio volcano is unactive since 1944
    the second one is the Etna volcano which is over catania in sicily, logistically speaking it is an interesting choice too, but consider that main crews and camera have to come from mainland via ferry boat.
    It is still quite an active volcano, last eruption was this year.
    let me know if you need more info or some ref pictures of those, i am at your disposal.
    best regards
    Claudio Pintus

    mob + 39 335 352719
    skype cpintus

    in reply to: Photo Shoot in Agentina

    consider that in italy there are glacier that can allow a shoot on the snow.
    Plateau Rosà is 1,30 h drive from milan and reach an eight of almost 3,500 meters with an easy access to the heights, i am attaching a couple of pics taken in june/july.
    If you are interested i am disposal
    mob +39 335 352719
    skype cpintus

    in reply to: Abandoned Towns

    Hello Rory,
    you can find some abandoned villages in italy … not properly american … but quite interesting i am attaching few pics of those.
    If you need more info i am at disposal.

    claudio pintus
    +39 335 352719
    skype : cpintus

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