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  • in reply to: lbelzy

    Ms. Belzberg,
    I wanted to further follow up with some additional information. It will very possible to shoot all or part of a movie project in the Xinjiang region including the Flaming Mountains of Turpan and Gaochang Ancient City. You will need a movie studio partner for such and will need script approval from relevant authorities, such a process is not quick but we can help you coordinate the process. There is a well established equipment rental house in Urumqi and it is possible to bring equipment from other parts of china to supplement that.
    The deserts in China are huge and extend far beyond the Turpan and even Xinjiang, I’d be happy to provide you with our available location photos or to arrange a location scout in the region.

    in reply to: lbelzy

    We have been location scouting in Turpan and nearby areas recently and it is indeed difficult to shoot in Gaochang at this time, not just because it is Xinjiang but it is a heavily Uiger area and one of the centers of the recent unrest. Gingerfilms has local producers in Xinjiang and good relations with The Xinjiang Film Studio, which handled the locations and permissions for such recent movies as The Kite Runner, we can coordinate permissions for your shoot through them.
    As my comrades above have pointed out it does matter quite a bit what you want to shoot: purely scenic shots of the ancient Gaochang city, the Karez irrigation system and incredible surrounding Turpan basin would not be difficult, interviews with local people about their thoughts, opinions and daily life would be almost impossible even with your handy public security bureau deputy on hand to guide the interviewees answers. Other areas of Xinjiang are quite a bit easier to shoot in at this time even other Muslem areas as long as they are not Uiger, for example the Kazek areas in the North-east and Mongolian areas which run a north-south line through central Xinjiang. If you can share more details on your project gingerfilms would be happy to help you put your production together. You can reach me on, skype: billy-shane-nunn or call 861 381 861 9991

    in reply to: Fixer in Beijing

    Would be happy to help you put together such a production Mr. Collins. Gingerfilms has offices plus a small studio in Beijing in the 798 creative zone, not far from the airport and over ten years of experience shooting in the capital for worldwide crews. I can also send you some location photos immediately if you can send me more information on what and where you want to shoot.

    You can reach me on 861 381 861 9991 or

    in reply to: Shanghai_China


    Happy to talk with you about such a photoshoot. Not sure if we can find you a house to live and shoot in but their are some reasonable options for a tight budget in Shanghai, for example some of these model apartments which show perspective buyers what an apartment buildings layout will be while the real building is still under construction. Also there are historic and interesting hotels to stay in here in Shanghai that have good internet connections and do not cost an arm and a leg. Drop me an email and I can send you some photos.

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