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  • in reply to: Freelance video photographer

    Thanks so much for your interest in Product Productions. And we can certainly help you out with your project in McCormick Place. We work there quite often and are well aware of the union issues. But, I have a few questions before I can get you a quote-

    1. when you say photographer-are your shooting stills or video? If video, do you need us to provide all of the camera gear? If so, do you have a particular camera you like shooting with?(we can usually get any camera a client likes to use)
    2. for audio-what would we be recording? How many talent? etc
    3. As you can see from above questions, the more information you can give me about the project you’ll be filming at McCormick Place the better chance we have of giving you a reasonable estimate for this job. Please be as detail as possible
    4. There are no 1/2 days where union crew is concerned so 1 1/2 days will be quoted as a 2 day shoot. We have absolutely no leeway here because of union guidelines

    Please contact me directly at my contact info is below

    Bennett Grossman
    General Manager/Exec Producer
    Product Productions/Space Stage Studios
    Chicago, IL
    312 421-9030

    Product Productions/Space Stage Studios has one of the largest 3-walled, white, hard cyc studio spaces in Chicago. Easy access into the studio thru our ground level gated parking lot behind our facility. Product Productions can also provicde lighting and grip packages, dolly and jib packages and full crewing. If your thinking of filming your spot in Chicago, Product Productions/Space Stage Studios would be your perfect location. We also offer discounted rates for all equipment rentals to any client renting our studio facilities. Our contact information is below.

    Bennett Grossman
    General Manager/Exec Producer
    Product Productions/Space Stage Studios
    1806 W. Grand Ave
    Chicago,IL 60622
    312 421-9030

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