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  • in reply to: Fixer/s needed for Morocco/Western Sahara/Mauritania

    Roland Chang

    Following link a documentary I wanted to shoot in Mauritania back in 1998 but I actually stopped as for the instable sitauaion there

    As for Morocco I produced ca 50 tvc and severall documantaries there, our reel for Morocco to be seen on following link:

    Ines Stephan

    in reply to: Fixer/s needed for Morocco/Western Sahara/Mauritania

    Roland Chang

    Dear liz, Marocco all cool , no problem.
    But for Mauritania : there are no ‘real fixers’. I have lived in Mauritania as a child and I have walked through Mauritania for monthes doing documentaries_when I was in my 20 & 30th_ by feet and driving by car, until 10 years ago. Mauritania has become a ‘dangerous’ place and ‘bad’ people can harm you there these days. Westeners get robbed, hijacked and killed in Mauritania, especially when they see them arrive with cameras and tech equipment , cars ad securities. There is no security who would sell’ there ‘ars’ for a westerners. Be carefull before you post any requests on Mauritania. I think the producer shall know. best Ines Stephan,

    in reply to: Highway in the desert

    Roland Chang

    There are lovely roads in Morocco. We have produced several car tvc there in the last 19 years. Nevertheless if you are talking of real highways ( 2 tracks up, 2 tracks down ) we will not find them. If you are talking of wide roads within a beautiful landscapes, we can help further.
    There are extraordinary big and wide highways – 4 tracks – in Libya.
    Ines Stephan
    A.S.A.P. Production
    mobil +39 335 240075

    in reply to: Winter without snow in Europe

    Roland Chang

    Hello, I would suggest to shoot exteriors i.e. in south of Italy ( sicily maybe ) and then head back for the studio in Milan. Best regards, Ines Stephan, A.S.A.P. Production

    in reply to: Process Trailer in Milan

    Roland Chang

    Cinenoleggi Nane and Movie People in Milan they have a lowloader and actually as you know already Cartocci in Rome and as well Cinetecnica Rome they have it.
    Best regards. Martina Bernareggi, A.S.A.P. Production,,

    in reply to:  Production Service in Northern Africa?

    Roland Chang

    Dear Henrik, I also worked and shot tvc and documetaries in Egypt, Tunesia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger , Burkina Faso and Libia. I lived in North Africa and I shoot there since 1989. Egypt is very fine to work there too.
    Best again, Ines Stephan

    in reply to:  Production Service in Northern Africa?

    Roland Chang

    Hi Henrik ,

    I run a service production company since 1993 in Moroccco. Morocco is the easiest country to shoot in Northern Africa. Besides fine camera equipment you can find grip- and light equipment in Casablanca and/or in Marrakech. Crew is to find in Morocco, although I would always suggest to bring in keypeople, like gaffer, key grip and focus puller.

    Permits : to do an official demand and they have to be authorized in Rabat : You do not need a CarnetAT, but it helps to save time.

    Morocco’s location are fine for mountainroads, desert (sand and stone desert ), plain fields, and if you look for Moorish architectures. You also have 12 to 14 hours sunlight. Accomodations: 5stars hotels. Transports are done by climatized Minibusses and jeeps, depends which terrain you have to go to reach the locations. If you jou need any location pic, please let me know.

    Best regards, Ines Stephan

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