Pre-production forum

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Thousands of producers, location and production professionals worldwide use our free pre-production forum service to post location briefs and production requests of all descriptions.
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  • Greetings Rudy!

    The Palm Beach County Film and Television Commission is delighted you are considering shooting your upcoming project in Florida. Palm Beach County is located along the southeast coast of Florida, approximately 60 miles north of Miami and 150 miles southeast of Orlando and is easily accessed by the Palm Beach International Airport.

    Based on your inquiry, we have prepared a customized photo package of locations we feel best match your specifications. If you are interested in any of the suggested locations, we would be happy to set-up a scout at your convenience.

    In addition to unique locations, the County offers a variety of incentives including free production space at G-Star Studios, free One-Stop permitting, six fully equipped studios and soundstages, a talented local crew base, and a regional production directory.

    The Film Commission is a full-service film office available to you 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Please do not hesitate to call 800.745.FILM if we can be of any assistance.

    Relax…Palm Beach County, Florida has it covered!

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