Pre-production forum

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  • Treza Gallogly

    NEW ZEALAND is open for business!

    Thanks to the bravery of our Government to implement strict lockdown measures quickly, we have ‘effectively eliminated’ Coronavirus, and have moved to ‘Level 2’ of lockdown, meaning – maintaining social distancing where possible, strict tracing measures, and gatherings of groups of no more than 10 people. However, we expect that with no cases and no deaths for several days now, this limit will be lifted in the next week or two.

    While our borders are still closed to foreign nationals, (and may be for some time), we are excited about having the ability to carry out productions for our overseas clients.

    Strict measures have been put in place by our guilds and film organisations, and with the guidance our Government. All film shoots must be registered with Screensafe, and strict guidelines adhered to for safe filming.

    Self-insurance is the key. Back up crew and talent are advised in the event that someone gets sick.

    Directors and clients can be online remotely and view what we are shooting, within seconds of realtime with new technology and ways of communicating efficiently. Including for some helicopter shoots.

    As we enter our winter months, it’s a great time to shoot TVC’s in our beautiful country. It only snows in the high level parts of the country, so as well as ‘winter’ looks, the grass is green, our beaches, mountains, coastlines, cities and other locations are all ready and waiting.

    Contact for your next project.

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