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  • Hi Merri,
    I am Location Manager based in London, with experince finding locations and setting up shoots all over the UK since 2006.

    In the last years I have combined my work as a Fixer and Location Manager in Spain with location contacts and suppliers in Catalunya, Balearic Islands, Malaga, Galicia, Alicante, La Rioja…, as well as France (Paris), Germany (Frankfurt, Berlin,…) and Italy (Milano, Rome,…).

    I am bilingual Spanish and English.

    Please find attached my link to IMDB ( for TV series and Feature Films, if you want a full up to date CV including Commercials, Editorial, Photo Shoots and Documentary, equipement, I can forward it to you, if requested.

    Muchas Gracias

    in reply to: Fixer for Spain (La Gomera & Basque)

    I am a fixer in Spain and a Location Manager / Production Manager in the UK, born in La Rioja so I know very well the basque area. I do have a good understanding and knoledge of Canary Island.
    Please find my IMDB link for your records….(, I can send you a full CV which includes commercials, photo shoots and editorial work.

    My contacto es:, 0044(0)7859770666

    Muchas Gracias

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