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    Hi Poppy,
    Filming in W Papua needs special permit and visa. I am a freelance production manager based in Jakarta. I have been filming in Papua couple of times, from a short few days to 3 months long.

    If you send me the detail of your production to, I can inform you the detail about any permit/visa procedure and logistic to film in Papua,


    in reply to: Jakarta crew

    Hi Martin,
    Let me know a further detail so i can respond to your request. email me at

    in reply to: Visas and Filming permits

    Hi Malaine,
    To come to Indonesia you have to apply for journalist/filming visa. I think it will cost you around US$45 which will be good for 30 days. It will take about 4 weeks from application to granted.
    After you have this visa, usually there is no problem to get film permit because Film Dept. that will grant you film permit is also the one who decide whether your visa will be approved or not. They will also decide whether their minder necessary to be on locations during your filming days. Will send you further detail by email.
    all the best,

    in reply to: Cases of Different Religions at Peace

    Hi Gabriel,
    Altough there is some potential for a religous conflict in Indonesia recently, there were many cases that peoples/organization between different organization work side by side here. Exp: Muslim organization will have a vigil during Xmas Eve, Christian Church have open house feed Muslim orphan/needy. In Bali, Hindu’s community guard Muslim minority’s village, etc. Most of people in grass root believe that they dont have problems with other people with different religion.

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