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TLG Home Forums Pre-Production Forum Fixer/Guide in Abu Dhabi

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  • Berggren Eyre

    I´m working at a Swedish film/tv company called Nexiko. We are going to Abu Dhabi/ Al Ain to shoot one of our tv shows. The plan is to go in october, around 23-24. We are looking for a person to help us on location. You should be able to talk arabic and english and be our “guide” for 2-3 days . We are vistiting a private location in Al Ain, but also want to get around both Al Ain and Abu Dhabi to take stock shots.
    I am also trying to get a film permit and have contacted National Media Center several times but there is no answer. If you have some other suggestions how to get in tuch, please tell me!
    Best regards,


    Hi Lisa
    Good Evening, Lyall Gardiner here from from Fstop Location Services Middle East.
    Please email me on, We’ll do our best to support you

    George Jacob

    Hello Lisa,
    Please contact me on
    We’ll send you the details and requirements to get this done.
    Best wishes,

    I would recommend Lyall Gardiner


    Hi Lisa,

    Thanks for reaching out. I only saw your post now. We have been working in Abu Dhabi for two decades and do many shoots here. Please send me a message at if you are still looking for efficient and affordable assistance. There is still ample time to organize. Kind Regards, Sebastian

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