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TLG Home Forums Pre-Production Forum Still Photo Production Inquiry: Beach and Jungle for October

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  • Dominica, known as the nature island of the Caribbean, boasts pristine rain forests and jungle locations; black and golden sand beaches and numerous rivers and waterfalls.
    October is one of the cooler months in the year with an av temperature of 28.1 C and average rainfall of 136.5cm. Average Sunrise and sunset at 5:55am and 5.56pm respectively. Two more photos.

    Hi Luciana, Cocoshoot is a specialized photo shooting production company located in Tulum, Mexico, at only 4hs from New York.

    Tulum has the perfect balance between beautiful beaches and caribbean jungle, with palms, mangle, lagoons, cenotes (natural swimming pools) and a variety of accommodations from luxury hotels to little beach front cabanas.  It also has many mayan ruins and the architectural legacy from the first spanish colonies that has remained. Tulum is unique. If you need a special scouting, just tell us.

    The weather for october has an average of 30% precip. probability and an av. temp of Hi 29°C Low 20°C with a day length of about 12 Hs.
    Sunrise from the sea. Sunset in the jungle.

    Our clients include Monsoon, Bloomingdales, L’Officiel, French Magazine, American Glamour, American Marie Claire, GQ, Allure, S Magazine, C&A, OTTO, German Glamour, L’Oréal Pureology and V Man. And we have produced and assisted to photographers like Enrique Badulescu, Lee Jenkins, Giovanni Zaccagnini, Jez Smith, Steve Lyon and more.

    Best regards, shoot and fun.

    Manuel Cappellari
    Production Assistant
    Cocoshoot Productions

    We have the prettiest waters in Belize The Belize River that runs through our lush rain forest to the Caribbean Sea on the cost. We are protected by the largest barrier reef in the western hemisphere. Please explore Belize and the wonders of the jungle.

    Nigel P. Miguel
    Belize Film Commission

    Hi Luciana…here are some xample pictures from San Blas in Panama. In October we still have some rain. Early November is good time, just in case you have a gap to move it.

    17 years in the film production business. Ill send more info to your e-mail.

    Anel Moreno
    (507)6617 4822

    Hi Luciana…here is other option from Panama. Is in the pacifici ocean.


    Nice piece of work extremely it’s very beauty sight,interesting, trust me it is nice collection for everyone..
    whats on in Melbounre


    Dear Luciana. Our local film commission in New caledonia (French island in South Pacific – between Australia and New Zealand) provides a free service of technical and logistical help and assistance to any film project.
    Please find photos of Hiengha islet (5mn drive by boat from hotel on the main land)…


    photos of Timbarama islet (5mn drive by boat) on the Esat coast of the main land…


    And photos of Shabadran beach (Maré – Loyalty island). November is the sunniest month of the year in New Caledonia. For any information:
    Best regards

    Dear Luciana,
    We believe the southern Turkey is very suitable for your needs. You can find a few location references below. We are ready to send you more options through email if you find these close to what you have in mind.

    The average weather temperature for October is 30 °C in the southern shore.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

    Andi Nahmias
    Karma Films
    Office:+90.212.352 7099

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