James Brown biopic to film on location in southern state of Mississippi
A feature biopic of legendary musician James Brown will film on location in Mississippi and will also double the state for scenes set in Paris and Vietnam. The shoot will be directed by Mississippi native Tate Taylor, who also worked locally on Oscar-winning feature The Help.
“Not only am I excited to bring such economic stimulus to my state, but also to showcase our beautiful Mississippi to the world,” said Taylor: “Every nook and cranny of our state is visually unique in its own way and as Mississippi was an undeniable character in The Help, it will be even more so in this film about James Brown."
“With continued hard work by all Mississippians, I foresee many productions planting a flag here in the future,” Taylor added.
Productions filming in Mississippi can get a filming rebate of 25% when they spend a minimum of USD50,000 locally. The payment is capped at USD10 million per production. Mississippi Film Studios (above) is one of the regional studio facilities and is operated by RoadTown Enterprises in Canton, just outside Jackson, the state capital.
To find out more about filming in Mississippi, click here.
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