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TLG Home Forums Pre-Production Forum Fixers needed in Copenhagen, Rotterdam & Lithuania

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  • Beast Prods

    We need fixers in the following cities/countries for shoots with cars. Copenhagen, Rotterdam & Lithuania
    We are looking for a city centre location to park a car and film 2 x presenters reviewing it. Then we need some picturesque driving roads nearby outside the city which we can permit for filming with a tracking vehicle.
    If you are a fixer in these places, please send us your details ASAP

    Simon van Gorcum


    I am a fixer based in The Netherlands. I might (should) be able to help you out in Rotterdam if needed. 🙂

    You can find more about me, my portfolio and some recommendations via:

    Don’t hesitate to reach out.

    Kind regards,

    Simon van Gorcum

    Vytautas Navikas


    I can help you with locations in Lithuania.

    Please contact me by e-mail.


    Bard Grape

    Hi, for Copenhagen I can help you !
    Best !


    Hello Beast
    We are one of the leading production service companies in Copenhagen, servicing all of Scandiavia.
    We have a wide experience in doing car shoots, so please feel free to get hold of any of us.
    Kind regards
    Christian Ryge

    Hans Ter Burg

    We are a production service company, experienced in international productions, commercials and campaigns inc, any scale. So for Rotterdam & other locations in the Netherlands, please get in touch.
    Best regards,
    Hans Ter Burg +31 654 631 499 / /

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