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  • Hello Cristina, I would be very happy to help you if you are still looking for a camera man / crew for your London corporate shoots this coming week. I am a fully equipped lighting cameraman with a great deal of experience in all areas of video production. I regularly work with US clients from the networks – NBC and ABC in particular, all the way through to small indie production outfits for docs and corporate.

    I have F800 XDcam, F900R HDcam, HDX 900 DVC Pro cameras and a variety of smaller cameras all of which can be linked to Nanoflash or Samurai recorders for NLE.

    I carry as routine a full cameras lighting package / sound / production kit in a specially racked crew vehicle that can carry your production team.I also have experience of location fixing for my US clients which helps to smooth the way in London.
    my website is where you can see more about me or my online showreel is One of my largest corporate clients has been De Beers, the diamond company.

    bets, Jonathan Young

    +44 7831 531 416

    in reply to: Camera Crew in Angola

    Hello, my name is Jonathan Young and I am a freelance lighting documentary cameraman with a wide range of experience in Afica and other hostile and challenging locations. I assume if you are filming in Angola that you will be doing something with de mining or mine clearance ? I have a lot of experience filming in this area with various Mine action charities around the world. My website is where you can see my latest work. My current series shot HD “Tropic of Cancer” starts on Sunday BBC 2 8pm. 19 countries through the extremes of the Tropic region inc. the Sahara. Please call me on +44 7831 531 416 or email: if you would like to discuss this project. Best, Jonathan

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