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  • in reply to: Fixers/Translators in Mekong River Nations

    Hello Ben,

    My name is Vises, I’m a local freelance fixer based in Phnom Penh. I do not have professional experience with the Mekong region but if you give me to the chance to work on this topic, I will be happy to assist you.

    Here below are some of the project I’ve done as fixer/translator.

    Projects: “The Amazing Journey of Jamy´, produced by Multimedia France Productions (About ancient architecture). “Medecines d’ailleurs”, produced by Bonne Pioche France (About traditional healers). “Jij bent Sterk” (We Are Strong), produced by CNV Amsterdam (About working condition in garment factory in Cambodia). “The place we live in”, produced by August Picture Singapore (About people dwelling in the Cambodia rubbish grounds). “Globe Cooker Cambodia” produced by Gedeon production France (About local food and travel). “The biosand filter and the bottle light”, produced by Filmat36 Singapore (About villagers live without access to clean water, and children study in dark homes). “Child Labour”, produced by Threesixzero Productions Singapore (About Children who are working as waste collector and selling things to tourist). etc…

    You can contact me through the following contact details:

    Mobile: (+855) 12 667 000

    Thank you and best regards,


    I’m a local freelance fixer providing logistical support, facilitates permit, custom, location, talent, crews, equipment, accommodation and transportation for filmmaker who wish to conduct filming in Cambodia. I do speak English and French

    If you need further information, please contact me through the following email address:

    Thank you,

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